This week, a really important event took place in Joseph Zobel High School : Cultural Heritage  Week. Indeed, between the 12th and the 16th of March, the whole high school mobilized itself to highlight Martinique culture.

During this period, many conferences about the Caribbean area and its culture were presented at the amphitheather to several classes. For the grand finale, some students and some staff members took part in a show on the last day of the week from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The high school choir and the bèlè dancers animated the day, with the help of Mr. MARIE-SAINTE. Traditionnal folk songs and dances were perfomed and, at the end, there was a parade with the students who had come to school with traditionnal clothes on. Many pictures of the different couples were taken by a young photographer.

Most of the students enjoyed this week and especially the last day. We can’t wait for the next Cultural Heritage Week of Joseph Zobel and are very happy to celebrate this event in order to preserve our culture!

Soana and Alexa (2G3)






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